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March 2022

There’s so much hype around Amsterdam…the books, movies, songs….reputation.  Perhaps it’s the latter which draws all the attention to it.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fascinating city, with its endless canals, and where everything is legal. But I think all the hype comes from a long reputation. I imagine decades ago, before marijuana was legal in most places, and you couldn’t get ‘love’ through an app on your phone, Amsterdam would have been every young man’s dream. But for me, it was just another city, one who’s only unique trait was the constant smell of chips (French fries) and weed.
I’m Dutch…well 1/4 Dutch.  My mother’s father is from a town south of Amsterdam. His life in Holland was a bit of a mystery to my Canadian family, or at least to my siblings and cousins and I.  I was fortunate enough to have been able to take the 2hr train ride there, and meet his nieces.  Although I was only there for a few short days, I feel like I learned so much more about him.  With that also came a lot of regret, regret that I didn’t talk to him more before he passed away, about his life in Holland.  
So although Amsterdam may have just been another city to me, it was also gave me the opportunity to know my Papa more, and for that, I will forever be grateful.

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